My Favourite Personal Websites and Newsletters

I have often get asked where do I find all the interesting things I read & share. So here is an on-going list of my fav personal websites which I visit either daily or regularly. A lot of things I read & share are often from one of these websites.

Happy reading & recommend your favourite websites too :)

Favourite / Regular Reads

  1. Blake Robbins monthly reading list

  2. Paul Graham

  3. Manas Saloi

  4. Julia Evans

  5. James Clear

  6. Morgan Housel

  7. Lawrence Yeo

  8. Paras Chopra - Inverted Passion

  9. Read Something Great - Timeless articles curated

  10. Twittr Gems — Timeless Twitter Thread Curated

Other Favourite

  1. Patrick Collison

  2. Nat Eliason

  3. Sheel Mohnot

  4. David Perell

  5. Alexey Guzey

  6. Sriram Krishnan

  7. Kevin Simler - Melting Asphalt

  8. Farnam Street - FS blog

  9. Sachin Rekhi

  10. Nirant K

  11. Julian Shapiro

  12. Nabeel Qureshi

  13. Ryan dawidjan

  14. Sam Altman

  15. Fintech Inside — Osborne Saldanha

  16. Bank On Basak

  17. Unit Economics